Mission Europa Netzwerk Karl Martell

Archive for May, 2009

A Trip to Malmo for Counter Jihadists

Posted by paulipoldie on May 24, 2009


A Trip to Malmo for Counter Jihadists

The Swedish city of Malmo to some extent allows once to take a prescient glance into the future of Europe as immigration and demography make it Islamic. Malmo may not yet be an Islamic city but it is well on its way to being awarded with that status. It was for this reason delegates at the International Civil Liberties Alliance Counter Jihad Conference were invited to take part in a fact finding tour of the city to see what other European cities had in store for them if our political establishment is allowed to continue to sell us down the Islamic river.

For safety’s sake the trip took place in daylight, rather than at night when mobs roam the streets in violent rage. Scorch marks were visible on rubbish bins and the police maintained a constant vigil even when we were there during the daytime. In fact we interviewed some of the police who had the misfortune of being assigned to this area. The video of this interview should be online shortly and is well worth watching.

We paid a visit to the famous Jihad Driving School, a must for any counter jihad tourist wanting to see the future of European driving instruction. There were funny looks from locals as we crossed such sites off in our guide books.

Residents of Herrgården seemed to be marking their territory as Dar Al Islam by using Arabic style lettering, how long will it be before actual Arabic is used in such areas and on street signs? I wonder if such concessions for Arabic culture are paid for out of the public purse. When does the anti Western madness stop, how much more ‘enrichment’ can western society cope with before it ceases to exist in a coherent form?

There is evidence of apartheid like segregation which shows that multiculturalism, when allowed to run to its logical conclusion creates a divided and inharmonious society. We visited a shopping centre that was effectively divided into Islamic and Swedish sections, with the former having the feel of a shopping area of a Middle Eastern city. Our presence resulted in many strange looks from shoppers, so out of place we looked in our Western clothes. It might have been my imagination but you almost feel the tension rising the longer we stayed. Eventually in the interests of cultural respect and interfaith harmony we retreated back to the Swedish enclosure, though even there was evidence of Islamisation – perhaps in the future Swedes will end up shopping in a completely different location altogether.
The political posters advertising demonstrations show the true mindset of Malmo these days. The one below is particularly instructive. In addition to the Arabic language is depicts Israel as a fascist state in order to try to delegitimize it. Such attacks on the only Western democracy in the Middle East illustrate quite clearly the Islamisation of Malmo. Perhaps the Swedish state will soon be grouped with Israel if it does not surrender to Islamist demands with the required degree of alacrity.

Our final stop was at the Grand Mosque of Malmo which is located a safe distance outside the inner city trouble spots in a much more tranquil setting.

Posted in Berichte von Konferenzen, Conference Reports, Counterjihad | Leave a Comment »

Counterjihad Copenhagen, Part 1: A Safari to Malmö

Posted by paulipoldie on May 24, 2009


Counterjihad Copenhagen, Part 1: A Safari to Malmö

by Baron Bodissey

Counterjihad Copenhagen 2009
I have so much material on my trip to Scandinavia that it will have to be broken up into several reports. The lengthy descriptive accounts will come later; tonight’s post will feature a travelogue with selected photos.

The royal yacht 1I arrived in Denmark a couple of days early. It gave me a chance to overcome my jet lag, and I took the opportunity to see the sights of Copenhagen. I’ll only use a few photos here; the rest will have to wait for another time.

Acting like a tourist for a change, I took a sightseeing boat tour of the harbor and the canals.

One of the more memorable sights was the royal yacht, which was being outfitted for the summer season. Queen Margrethe and her family use it to stay in contact with their subjects by visiting various ports and islands around the kingdom.

The royal yacht 2A pair of workman were cleaning, repairing, or painting the bow of the ship. One of them was straddling the bowsprit from above, and the other was clinging to it from below, supported only by a rope below him.

It was not a warm day, and I wouldn’t have had his job for anything.

On Friday, some of the meeting’s participants arrived early and took the train to Malmö to see what all the fuss was about. With the help of our Swedish contacts, we embarked on a safari that included the most important sights of the city.

One of the first things I noticed was a campaign sign featuring Mona Sahlin:

Malmö: Campaign sign with Mona Sahlin
Ms. Sahlin is well-known to regular Gates of Vienna readers as a hijab-wearing Certified F**ker, not to mention one of Sweden’s most ardent spokescreatures for Multiculturalism. She is also a leader of the Social Democrats, and may become the next prime minister of Sweden if the SocDems regain power next year.

We passed through some normal-looking suburban areas before taking the turn for Rosengård.

Malmö: Rosengård sign
Malmö: YouthsRosengård is a large district with a number of neighborhoods and housing projects, some of which are notorious for their riotous and incendiary “youths”.

Youths were much in evidence, but since we toured the area during the daytime, they were restrained in their behavior. Life in Rosengård is relatively sedate until the sun goes down and the night is illuminated by the golden glow of gently burning tires and dumpsters.

Malmö: The suicide balconiesAmong the other famous sights of Rosengård are the “suicide balconies” of the apartment buildings. Festooned with satellite dishes, they are the scenes of recurrent tragedies: from the balcony railings young girls frequently and mysteriously fall or hurl themselves, often to their deaths.

From there we paid a visit Rosengård Centrum, a shopping center on an overpass that straddles a major traffic artery:
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Malmö: City Gross
Adjacent to the Rosengård Centrum parking lot is a take-away restaurant, specializing in falafel, pizza, kebab, and other traditional Swedish delicacies.

Malmö: Falafel take-away
Malmö women in hijabRosengård Centrum itself is a very culturally-enriched commercial establishment, but it is not uniform in its enrichment.

The northern section (“City Gross”) is a large store in which “persons of Swedish background” work and shop in addition to a modest number of Muslims. But the southern half (“Lidl”) is almost totally halal, a souk transplanted to Skåne from North Africa or the Arabian Peninsula.

Malmö: Arab storeInside the southern entrance the discriminating shopper will find a selection of Arab shops, restaurants, and other businesses.

A clothing store makes an offer to bargain-hungry customers: “Buy a Hijab and Get a Free Present”.

The advertising signs on the window of one establishment are entirely in Arabic.

Malmö: Arab hairdresserThe signs outside a hairdressing salon are also in Arabic. Notice that the smartly-coiffed models in the pictures on the window show only women in hijab, with the advertised hairstyles covered up by veils. How can a discerning customer be certain of what hair-do she will get?

Just beyond Rosengård Centrum is the Herrgården housing estate, which consists of several high-rise buildings and a number of garden apartments along Ramels Väg.

Malmö: Herrgården sign 1Visitors to Herrgården are greeted by a sign with the name of the estate presented in mock-Arabic script.

Just think of the implications: the municipal authorities of Malmö paid a professional agency to design and construct a sign which says, in effect, “This neighborhood is for Muslims ONLY.”

(Thanks to Aeneas for these two photos)

Malmö: Herrgården sign 2 Herrgården is the site of the infamous nightly arson attacks, in which “youths” set fire to dumpsters, tires, and the occasional rental trailer from the nearby Shell station.

Malmö: Herrgården police
We drove up and parked by the Shell station, which stands at the junction of Ramels Väg and the main road. A large police presence was there, with several parked police cars and a number of officers just standing around their vehicles — presumably waiting for sundown and the nightly inferno.

The fire-damaged dumpsters are across the road from the gas station:

Malmö: Herrgården dumpsters
In the middle of the street are scars from the tire fires. We could see puddles of melted metal (possibly aluminum from the trailers) left over from the burning of other objects.

Malmö: Herrgården melted metal
The place was quiet and calm, although groups of men in cars pulled up and kept an eye on us as we wandered around.

After we left Herrgården we went to look at the famous Jihad Driving School:

Malmö: Jihad driving school
To be completely accurate, the “Jihad” in “Jihadskörkorts” is the genitive (possessive) case, and presumably refers to the name of the proprietor. That is, it says “Jihad’s Driving School”.

But it’s still amusing.

Next we paid a visit to Malmö Mosque, which was all but deserted:

Malmö mosque
The mosque is far away from the Muslim housing estates in Rosengård. According to our Swedish guide, most of Rosengård’s Muslims worship at the “basement mosques”, and not the fancy one with the minarets paid for by Saudi money.

But there it stands, anyway: an assertion of political supremacy, claiming for the Ummah with its dome and minarets the sacred territory of Rosengård.

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After we left the mosque in Malmö, we drove a few miles up the road to visit the ancient and beautiful city of Lund, where the lilacs behind the cathedral were in full bloom:

Lund University: Lilacs
Lund University: TowerOur guide led us on a tour of the old town and the University, and we finished up by having a very haram dinner at an old restaurant just south of the Cathedral.

It was quite late by the time our group straggled back to the railway station in Malmö and took the return train to Copenhagen, where the hardiest among us gathered in the bar at the hotel for a nightcap.

Next: The Counterjihad Workshops

Posted in Berichte von Konferenzen, Conference Reports, Counterjihad | 1 Comment »

Slouching Towards Copenhagen

Posted by paulipoldie on May 24, 2009


by Baron Bodissey

Counterjihad Copenhagen 2009
Tell me again about Europe and her pains,
Who’s tortured by the drought, who by the rains.
Glut me with floods where only the swine can row
Who cuts his throat and let him count his gains.
It seemed the best thing to be up and go.

— William Empson, from “Aubade

We’ve come a long way in just a little over two years.

The first Counterjihad Summit was held in Copenhagen back in April 2007, and the European and North American networks have been developing continuously since then. CVF — which has recently been folded into the larger and more comprehensive International Civil Liberties Alliance — followed up with Counterjihad Brussels 2007 and Counterjihad Vienna 2008.

Last weekend a group of like-minded people convened in Copenhagen for Counterjihad 2009. Unlike some of our previous efforts, this was a working meeting, and did not feature a slate of prominent speakers in a conference format. It was designed to strengthen, extend, and deepen the existing networks of anti-jihad activists and bloggers.

The following countries were represented at the summit:

Austria Hungary Sweden
Denmark Norway Switzerland
Finland Romania UK
France Serbia USA

The participants were a mix of writers, bloggers, webmasters, activists, and members of political parties. Among them were:

Aeneas (UK) Kepiblanc (Denmark)
Armance (Romania) KGS (Finland)
Conservative Swede (Sweden) Multikultur (Germany)
Derius (UK) Radu (France)
ESW (Austria) Rolf Krake (Denmark)
Gaia (UK) Serge Trifkovic (Serbia)
Holger Danske (Germany) Sparks (Hungary)
Jim Lake (UK) Steen (Denmark)
Kent Ekeroth (Sweden) Zonka (Denmark)

The meeting was held on Saturday May 16 and Sunday May 17. The sessions on each day were organized as roundtable discussions in a workshop format. Each session had one or two presenters, but the entire process was interactive throughout, with several ICLA leaders acting as moderators of the discussions.

ICLA — like its predecessor CVF — is not itself primarily an action-oriented group. We are network facilitators, and our goal is to bring different groups and sub-networks into contact with one another, enhancing communication and improving the overall coordination of Counterjihad activities.

Day One focused mainly on the network, and was more about process than content. Presenters discussed various aspects of organizing and maintaining Counterjihad networks in Europe and North America, and how different groups interact and respond in their respective societies.

Given the nature of our work, these networks must often be unobtrusive and non-public. Depending on the countries involved, our activities may be subject to harassment from government authorities, quasi-governmental entities such as Antifa, and Muslims. Several sessions dealt with the practicalities of recruiting, operating, and expanding under these circumstances, paying special attention to security issues.

Day Two concentrated on action, which is the end result of all our networking and organizational efforts. Topics included demonstrations, public-awareness actions, legislative initiatives, letter-writing campaigns, and a “housewife’s kit” for ordinary citizens interested in the Counterjihad.

A brief summary of the two days’ sessions is below. More detailed material will be presented in later posts.
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Day One: The Network

I opened the proceedings with an introduction to “The Distributed Counterjihad Network”. In the next day or two I’ll post a report adapted from my remarks and the discussion that accompanied it.

The second session was “Among Criminal Muslims”, a report by a Danish psychologist who has extensive personal experience dealing with the most criminal youngsters in Denmark. The majority of these are Muslims, and this has important implications for dealing with problems of integration. He gave an account of his experience, describing how the existing prison system tends to encourage and harden extremism. The discussion focused on the way “natives” are forced to interact with a Muslim population that includes a high proportion of violent criminals.

In the afternoon one of the leaders of ICLA gave an excellent presentation on the current crisis of the EU, especially the financial crisis, and how it will affect the growing resistance to immigration and the Islamization of Europe.

ESW gave a report and slideshow on current conditions in Kosovo, with Serge Trifkovic providing background information and historical details.

Other issues that were covered on Saturday included:

  • The coming repression in various European countries, as exemplified by the case of Jussi Halla-aho in Finland
  • Security, especially the need for secure communication
  • The use of the internet and the building of websites
  • Coordination of simultaneous actions across country borders
  • The making and distribution of videos, with a special emphasis on translations and subtitling

Day Two: Action

The first session on the second day was chaired by Serge Trifkovic, who brought his extensive knowledge and experience to bear in a discussion about the “Green Corridor” in the Balkans. Kosovo is just one piece of the mosaic that makes up the corridor, which has created a collection of contiguous Muslim entities running all the way from the European portion of Turkey to northwestern Bosnia.

The misguided role of the United States — which seeks to ingratiate itself with Islamic countries by doing good deeds for Muslims — is one of the main issues to consider when analyzing political affairs in the Balkans.

The topic was part of a wider discussion on “Jihadist Geopolitical Designs”.

Legislative initiatives are perhaps the most important field of action. Designing, writing, and proposing laws — even if they fail to pass — focuses the spotlight on sharia and the dangers of Islamization, building public awareness of the problem. Well-informed members of the network become lobbyists against sharia, establishing working relationships with receptive politicians at the local and national level.

Our Austrian correspondent ESW headed two sessions. The first concerned the legendary fifteen demands of the Akademikerbund Manifesto, which was reported in this space last year. The Austrian Counterjihad faces problems regarding the introduction of legislation, and ESW summarized what is being done to work around the problems.

ESW’s second session concerned “Counterjihad for beginners”. As we encounter people who take an interest in resisting Islamization, and basically agree with us, the pertinent question frequently is: “What can I do about it?”. ESW introduced a “housewife’s kit” that lists a wide variety of useful things that can be done easily, on the cheap, and with minimal or absolutely no personal risk.

During the rest of the afternoon several presenters covered various action-related topics, including engaging our opponents in the war of ideas, and the necessity for controversial and provocative tactics. The last several hours were taken up with a general discussion and an exchange of useful practical suggestions.

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After the sessions on Saturday and Sunday, a number of the participants adjourned to Steen’s salon to continue our discussions over food and adult beverages.

Copenhagen bridge — bas reliefIn many ways, this is my favorite part of such meetings: a small gathering in an informal setting where a free range of opinions flows. Some of our best ideas are hatched under these circumstances.

As I sat there listening to the flow of conversation around me, I heard French, German, Romanian, Swedish, Danish, and English being spoken. The Scandinavians conversed among themselves in one or more variants of their own languages, with word changes thrown in to account for differences in vocabulary between Swedish and Danish. But when the conversation encompassed a larger group, English — thank God! — was the common tongue.

This, I thought, is the real Multiculturalism at work.

This was a group of like-minded European volunteers gathering for a common purpose.

Some of the most brilliant minds of the Western world were present in Steen’s flat on those two nights. If the world were organized rationally, these people would hold political office or be helping to form public policy in their respective countries. But, as it is, they have to use pseudonyms, hide their activities, and fly under the radar to avoid persecution for mounting a resistance to the destruction of their countries and their cultures.

Such is the sad level to which Western Civilization has sunk.

Given my imminent unemployment and reduced circumstances, Counterjihad Copenhagen 2009 will likely be my last such event for the foreseeable future. But we’ve come a long way in two years, and the Counterjihad network will function perfectly well in my absence.

Our initial goals have been met: we have formed a well-functioning decentralized network that connects different organizations and individuals together as they work towards a common goal. Information travels quickly and efficiently within this network and its associated organizations, providing an opportunity to plan and coordinate actions in different countries. Translations of relevant material into all major European languages is routine, and ensures that local groups do not remain isolated and atomized.

People know the obstacles and risks that they face when they volunteer for the Counterjihad. They are automatically stigmatized as “racists”, “xenophobes”, “neo-Nazis”, and “Islamophobes”. They risk losing their jobs and their livelihoods, and in some countries they can be prosecuted for their opinions under the laws against racial discrimination.

Yet still they join the resistance. This is a visible sign of the depth of feeling among ordinary people about the deliberate destruction of European culture by the transnational elites.

And even now things are changing: all across Europe the right-wing “xenophobic” parties are rising in the polls and gaining seats in local and national elections. Next month’s European parliamentary election will likely result in the entry of Sverigedemokraterna and Libertas into the EP, as well as more seats for Vlaams Belang, the PVV, Dansk Volkeparti, and other nationalist parties.

Some analysts make the mistake of relying on linear extrapolation to predict the future, but historical processes do not follow linear patterns. Affairs tend to proceed smoothly enough for a time, but all the while tension, resentment, and rage are building. Then comes a relatively small event — Gavrilo Princip pulling the trigger, for example — and the world is irrevocably changed.

We’re heading into one of those discontinuities right now, and sooner than most people think.

But as to risings, I can tell you why.
It is on contradiction that they grow.
It seemed the best thing to be up and go.
Up was the heartening and the strong reply.
The heart of standing is we cannot fly.

Posted in Berichte von Konferenzen, Conference Reports, Counterjihad | Leave a Comment »

Wie der Islam funktioniert. Der Islam – ein komplettes System.

Posted by paulipoldie on May 8, 2009

1 Wie der Islam funktioniert

Der Islam – ein komplettes System.

eine « Schweizerzeit » – Dokumentation.

DER ISLAM IST NICHT EINE RELIGION und auch nicht ein Kult. Er ist ein komplettes System. Der Islam hat religiöse, rechtliche, politische, wirtschaftliche und militärische Komponenten. ie religiöse Komponente funktioniert wie eine Art „Tarnung“ für alle anderen Komponenten. Eine Islamisierung erfolgt, wenn in einem Land genügend Muslime wohnen, um für ihre angeblich „religiösen Rechte“ auf die Barrikaden zu gehen. Wenn politisch korrekte und kulturell vielfältige Gesellschaften einwilligen, „vernünftigen“ Forderungen der Muslime für ihre „religiösen Rechte“ nachzugeben, werden ihnen ungewollt – quasi „unter dem Tisch“ – auch die anderen Komponenten des muslimischen Systems untergejubelt. Hier eine kurze Beschreibung, wie das System funktioniert. Die Länder sind in der Reihenfolge der Größe ihrer Muslim-Bevölkerung aufgeführt. Die Prozentzahlen stammen aus der Publikation „The World Fact Book“ (2007). * * * Friedliche Minderheit Solange der muslimische Bevölkerungsanteil in einem Land um ein Prozent liegt, werden die Muslime als friedliebende Minderheit, welche niemanden bedroht, angesehen. Oft werden sie in solchen Ländern in Artikeln und Filmen stereotyp wegen ihrer farbenfrohen „Einzigartigkeit“ hervorgehoben : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika 1 %, Australien, 1,5 %, Kanada 1,9 %, China 1 – 2 %, Italien 1,5 %, Norwegen 1,8 %. Bekehrungsversuche Bei einem Anteil um zwei bis drei Prozent beginnen die Muslime bei anderen ethnischen Minderheiten und sich benachteiligt fühlenden Gruppen für den Islam zu werben. Wichtigste und fruchtbarste „Bekehrungsgebiete“ sind hier D 2 oft Gefängnisse und „Straßen- und Jugendbanden“, denen man einen neuen „Sinn ihres Lebens“ offeriert : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Dänemark 2 %, Deutschland 3,7 %, Großbritannien 2,7 %, Spanien 4 %, Thailand 4,6 %. Angriff auf christliche Grundwerte Ab fünf Prozent Bevölkerungsanteil beginnen die Muslime einen Einfluß auszuüben, welcher weit über demjenigen liegt, den eine Bevölkerungsgruppe dieser Größe normalerweise ausüben würde. Sie beginnen auf die Einführung von „halal“, nach islamischen Standards „reinen“ Nahrungsmitteln, zu drängen. Damit verschaffen sie Muslimen auch neue Arbeitsplätze in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie. Sie erhöhen den Druck auf Supermarkt- Ketten, solche Produkte in ihr Angebot aufzunehmen, indem sie auch klare oder verhüllte Drohungen aussprechen, für den Fall, daß dies nicht geschieht (z. B. in den Vereinigten Staaten). In vielen Fällen, so auch in der Schweiz, kapitulieren sowohl Firmen wie öffentliche Einrichtungen schon „vorbeugend“, indem sie z. B. in Kantinen keine Gerichte mit Schweinefleisch mehr offerieren, oder indem z. B. in Schulen keine Hinweise auf christliche Grundwerte und Feiertage mehr erlaubt sind : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Frankreich 8 %, Philippinen 5 %, Schweden 5 %, Schweiz 4,3 %, die Niederlande 5,5 %, Trinidad und Tobago 5,8 %. Von diesem Punkt an werden die Muslime versuchen, die Regierung des Landes dazu zu bringen, daß sie sich unter der Scharia (den islamischen Gesetzen) selber regieren können. – Das Endziel des Islams ist nicht die Konvertierung der Welt, sondern die Einführung der Scharia als einziges „Rechtssystem“ in der ganzen Welt. Die kürzlichen Diskussionen in Großbritannien, ausgelöst durch Bemerkungen anglikanischer Bischöfe, aber auch von hohen Rechtsgelehrten, daß es ohne Weiteres möglich sei, auch in Großbritannien schon jetzt Teile der Scharia einzuführen, zeigen, daß diese Gefahr kein Hirngespinst von islamo-phoben Fremdenhassern ist. Organisierte Drohungen und Aufstände Wenn die muslimische Bevölkerung einen Stand von zehn Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung erreicht, erhöhen die islamischen Drahtzieher oft den Druck auf die bestehende Gesellschaft und Regierung, indem 3 sie kriminelle Ausschreitungen als Ausdruck ihrer Unzufriedenheit mit den herrschenden Bedingungen auslösen und unterstützen (brennende Autos in den Vororten von Paris). Jede Aktion von Nicht-Muslimen, welche angeblich den Islam „beleidigt, löst ebenfalls organisierte Drohungen und Aufstände oder sogar Morde aus (dänische Mohammed- Karikaturen – Ermordung des Filmemachers van Gogh in Amsterdam) : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Guyana 10 %, Indien 13,4 %, Israel 16 %, Kenia 10 %, Rußland 10 – 15 % . Sporadische Morde und Brandstiftungen Wenn ein Anteil von zwanzig Prozent erreicht ist, muß ein Land erfahrungsgemäß mit Unruhen und Aufständen bei der geringsten als „Provokation“ empfundenen Aktion der Regierung oder anderer Bevölkerungsgruppen rechnen. Milizen werden gebildet und sporadische Morde und Brandstiftungen an Kirchen oder Synagogen sind nichts Außergewöhnliches mehr : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Äthiopien 32,8 %. * Bei vierzig Prozent findet man häufig Massaker, chronische Terror- Angriffe, Selbstmord-Attentate und zunehmende Gesetzlosigkeit mit Kriegshandlungen durch verschiedene sich teilweise bekriegende Milizen : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Bosnien 40 %, Tschad 53,1 %, Libanon 59,7 %. Offene Verfolgung von Ungläubigen. Ab sechzig Prozent kann man offene Verfolgung von „Ungläubigen“ und Anhängern anderer Religionen erwarten, dazu sporadische ethnische Säuberungen (Genozid), die Ausübung der Scharia als Waffe und die Einführung der „Jizya“ (spezielle Steuer für Mitglieder jüdischer und christlicher Religionen) : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Albanien 70 %, Malaysia 60,4 %, Katar 77,5 %, Sudan 70 %. * Nach achtzig Prozent kann man staatlich organisierte ethnische Säuberungen und Völkermord erwarten : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Bangladesch 83 %, Ägypten 90 %, Gaza 98,7 %, Indonesien 86,1 %, Iran 98 %, Irak 97 %, Jordanien 92 %, Marokko 98,7 %, Pakistan 97 %, Palästina 99 %, Syrien 90 %, Tadschikistan 90 %, Türkei 99,8 %, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 96 %. 4 Hundert Prozent wird den Frieden von „Dar-es-Salaam“ – das islamische Haus des Friedens – einläuten. Dann sollte Frieden herrschen, weil ja nun alle Bewohner Muslime sind : Anteil der Muslime an der Bevölkerung : Afghanistan 100 %, Saudi- Arabien 100 %, Somalia 100 %, Jemen 99,9 %. Natürlich ist das in Wirklichkeit nicht so. Um ihren Blutdurst zu stillen, beginnen Muslime dann einander umzubringen aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen : „Bevor ich neun Jahre alt war, mußte ich die Grundregel des arabischen Lebens erlernen. Sie hieß : Ich gegen meinen Bruder ; ich und mein Bruder gegen unseren Vater ; meine Familie gegen meine Cousins und den Klan ; der Klan gegen den Stamm und der Stamm gegen den Rest der Welt und wir alle gegen die Ungläubigen.“ (Leon Uris, „The Haj“.) Ghettos und Parallel-Gesellschaften Wir sollten uns daran erinnern, daß in vielen Ländern, z. B. in Frankreich, aber auch in Deutschland ein großer Teil der muslimischen Bevölkerung in Ghettos konzentriert in Parallel-Gesellschaften lebt, welche einer Mehrheit gar keine Gelegenheit geben, sich im Gastland zu integrieren, falls sie es überhaupt möchten. Durch diese Parallel-Gesellschaften üben die Muslime und ihre Führer überproportional viel Einfluß auf ihr Gastland aus. Und wir fahren fort, uns anzupassen und auf politisch korrekte Weise zu verhandeln, um ja nicht unsere „muslimischen Brüder“ zu „beleidigen“. Schweiz, es ist Zeit aufzuwachen ! * * * Aus der deutsch-sprachigen 14tägigen « Schweizerzeit », bürgerlich-konservative Zeitung für Unabhängigkeit, Föderalismus und Freiheit, CH-8416 Flaach, Postfach 23, Ausgabe Nr. 30, Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008. Erstabdruck in : „Die Lupe“, Informationsbulletin der Aargauischen Vaterländischen Vereinigung (AVV), Nr. 3, September 2008. « F o r u m f ü r f r e i e M e i n u n g s b i l d u n g i n O b e r ö s t e r r e i c h » Helmut Brandstetter, Perg / Machland ; Siegfried Eder, Gallspach / Hausruck ; Leopold Mayrhofer, Traun b. Linz ; Max Neudorfer, Neukirchen an der Vöckla ; Fritz Neuhofer, Traun b. Linz ; Bernhard Scheurecker, Schärding am Inn ; Max Unterberger, Ardning / Ennstal ;

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